Unmatched Plagiarism Detection

Elevate your writing with Grammarly's advanced plagiarism detection for authentic and original content.

Enhanced Writing Experience

    Accurate Plagiarism Checks

    Ensure originality and authenticity with advanced and precise plagiarism checks.

    Comprehensive Content Analysis

    Receive in-depth insights into your content's uniqueness and originality to enhance writing quality.

    Enhanced Writing Confidence

    Boost confidence in your work with Grammarly's comprehensive plagiarism detection and authenticity assurance.

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Benefits of Grammarly for Plagiarism

Plagiarism Checker

Grammarly's plagiarism checker is a game-changer for writers and students. It ensures that your content is original by scanning over 16 billion web pages and ProQuest's academic databases. This feature gives you peace of mind, knowing your work is authentic and properly cited.

With Grammarly, you can avoid accidental plagiarism, maintain academic integrity, and build credibility. The plagiarism checker detects unoriginal text and provides suggestions for proper citation, making it an invaluable tool for researchers, scholars, and anyone concerned with the originality of their content.

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Plagiarism Checker

Enhanced Writing

Grammarly not only checks for plagiarism but also enhances your writing. Its advanced AI technology helps in identifying grammar, punctuation, and style issues. By improving the overall quality of your writing, Grammarly makes your content more engaging and professional.

With Grammarly's in-depth writing feedback, you can confidently express your ideas without the fear of unintentional plagiarism. The tool not only corrects mistakes but also provides explanations, ensuring that you learn from your errors and become a better writer.

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Enhanced Writing


Grammarly's efficient plagiarism checker saves you time by streamlining the editing process. You can seamlessly integrate it with your writing workflow, whether it's academic papers, blog posts, or professional documents. By helping you catch potential plagiarism early, Grammarly prevents last-minute revisions and ensures your content is original from the start.

By using Grammarly for plagiarism, you can focus more on crafting compelling content and less on the tedious task of checking for originality. This time-saving feature is a boon for busy writers and students, allowing them to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.

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Effective Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism


Understand Citations

Understanding proper citation formats is crucial in avoiding plagiarism. Whether it's APA, MLA, or Chicago style, familiarize yourself with the specific requirements for each. Always cite sources when paraphrasing, quoting, or using someone else's ideas to acknowledge the original author and avoid plagiarism.

Additionally, keep a detailed record of all sources used in your research. Accurate and consistent citations provide transparency and demonstrate your commitment to academic integrity.


Paraphrase Effectively

Mastering the art of paraphrasing is essential for original writing. When rephrasing content from sources, ensure that the meaning is retained while using different words and sentence structures. Avoid simply replacing a few words with synonyms; instead, comprehend the material and express it in your own voice.

Furthermore, after paraphrasing, compare your version with the original to guarantee that you have successfully avoided plagiarism.


Use Plagiarism Checkers

Leverage advanced tools like Grammarly's plagiarism checker to verify the originality of your work. These tools scan your content against a vast database to detect any similarities with existing sources. By regularly utilizing plagiarism checkers, you can confidently present your work, knowing it's free from unoriginal content.

Plagiarism checkers not only identify potential issues but also offer suggestions for proper citations and references, enhancing the credibility of your writing.


Seek Peer Feedback

Collaborating with peers and seeking feedback on your writing can be instrumental in identifying unintentional plagiarism. Constructive criticism from others can help you recognize instances where your work may inadvertently resemble existing content. By engaging in peer review, you can address potential plagiarism before finalizing your writing.

Additionally, discussing your ideas with others can inspire original thinking and prevent unintentional similarities with external sources.


Stay Informed

Staying informed about current trends, developments, and research in your field can aid in original content creation. By keeping up with the latest information, you can generate fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, minimizing the likelihood of unintentional plagiarism. Regularly updating your knowledge base enables you to contribute unique insights to your writing.

Furthermore, staying informed about best practices for citing sources and maintaining academic integrity is essential for producing original and credible content.

How to use AI Content Detector

  • 1

    Choose a template

    Select the necessary template from the template gallery.

    Choose a template
  • 2

    Provide more details

    Fill out the carefully selected inputs to create the best quality of output content.

    Provide more details
  • 3

    Enjoy the results

    Copy, save for later, rate the output or hit regenerate button.

    Enjoy the results

Using Grammarly for Plagiarism Checks

Discover how Grammarly's plagiarism checker ensures originality and credibility in your writing. Below are direct examples of queries and their fulfillment through Grammarly's efficient tool.


Ensure that the content is original and properly cited for an academic research paper.

Draft generated by Justdone:

As a dedicated academic writing assistant, Grammarly's plagiarism checker is pivotal in ensuring the authenticity of your research paper. By scanning a vast database of scholarly sources, it identifies any unoriginal content and provides recommendations for proper citation. This guarantees that your academic work maintains integrity and credibility.

Additionally, Grammarly's plagiarism checker streamlines the citation process by offering suggestions for referencing, saving you valuable time and ensuring compliance with academic standards. With Grammarly, you can confidently submit your research paper, knowing it's free from unintentional plagiarism and accurately cited.

Frequently Asked Questions

Justdone.ai is a cutting-edge platform that leverages AI to help users create content efficiently. With over 130 AI tools for content creation, it offers unique solutions for various content needs, including writing, rewriting, summarizing, and generating ideas.
Yes, Justdone.ai provides advanced AI-powered tools for plagiarism detection. It ensures the originality of your content by scanning for similarities across various sources. It's like having a Grammarly for plagiarism check, but with a broader range of capabilities.
While Grammarly is renowned for its grammar checking, Justdone.ai goes beyond by offering comprehensive plagiarism detection alongside grammar and content improvement tools. It's like having Grammarly for plagiarism, SEO writing, content ideation, and more in a single platform.
Absolutely. Justdone.ai is equipped with AI models that can write SEO texts, articles, emails, ads, and more. It ensures that your content is not only original but also optimized for search engines, making it a valuable resource for SEO-focused content creation.
Yes, Justdone.ai offers tools to enhance existing content. From rewriting texts to summarizing, it streamlines the process of refining and improving your content. It's like having an AI-powered content enhancement assistant at your disposal.
Justdone.ai streamlines the process of content creation by enabling file reading and scanning of other sites. It allows users to gather insights, extract information, and generate content based on external sources, making it a versatile platform for content creation.