Create MLA Works Cited Easily

Effortlessly generate MLA works cited pages with accurate formatting and citation details for your research papers and projects.

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All AI tools in one place Benefits

    Accurate Citations

    Ensure precise and correct citations for your MLA works cited page, saving time and ensuring academic integrity.

    Quick Formatting

    Effortlessly format your MLA works cited page according to the latest MLA guidelines with ease and efficiency.

    Easy Generation

    Generate MLA works cited pages seamlessly, streamlining the process for your research papers and assignments.

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MLA Works Cited Page Benefits

Accurate Citations

Creating an MLA works cited page ensures that all sources used in an academic paper are accurately cited. This not only gives credit to the original authors but also helps readers locate the sources for further study.

Accurate citations also demonstrate the depth of research and strengthen the credibility of the paper, making it more persuasive and trustworthy.

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Accurate Citations

Avoid Plagiarism

An MLA works cited page helps writers avoid unintentional plagiarism by providing a clear record of all the sources referenced. This is crucial in academic writing, where originality and proper attribution are paramount.

By listing all the sources used, the works cited page acts as a safeguard against accidental plagiarism, ensuring that the writer's work maintains academic integrity.

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Avoid Plagiarism

Organized Source Information

The MLA works cited page organizes all the necessary information about each source, including the author, title, publication date, and other vital details. This organized format simplifies the process of cross-referencing and verifying the sources used.

It also provides a quick reference for readers to locate the sources, making the research process more accessible and transparent.

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Organized Source Information

MLA Works Cited Page Tips


Use Proper Formatting

When creating an MLA works cited page, ensure that the formatting follows the guidelines provided by the Modern Language Association. This includes using hanging indents, italics for certain sources, and proper punctuation.

Consistent and accurate formatting not only enhances the professional appearance of the works cited page but also reflects the writer's attention to detail and respect for academic standards.


Double-Check Citations

Always double-check the accuracy of the citations included in the MLA works cited page. Verify the spelling of authors' names, publication dates, and other details against the original sources to eliminate any errors or discrepancies.

Thoroughly reviewing the citations ensures that the works cited page is reliable and upholds the integrity of the research paper.


Update Regularly

It's essential to update the MLA works cited page whenever new sources are added or if any information about existing sources changes. This proactive approach maintains the relevance and accuracy of the sources cited in the paper.

Regular updates also demonstrate the writer's commitment to staying current with the literature and providing readers with the most up-to-date reference information.


Seek Expert Assistance

If uncertain about how to format or cite a particular source, seek guidance from academic resources or consult with knowledgeable individuals, such as librarians or professors. Expert assistance can help resolve any uncertainties or complexities in the citation process.

Utilizing expert guidance ensures that the MLA works cited page adheres to the highest scholarly standards and reflects the writer's dedication to precision and accuracy.


Review Style Guides

Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the MLA style guide for creating a works cited page. Refer to the official guidelines and resources provided by the Modern Language Association to ensure that the citations comply with the established standards.

Adhering to the recommended style guide guarantees that the works cited page aligns with the expectations of academic institutions and scholarly publications.

MLA Works Cited Examples

Explore examples of MLA works cited pages to understand proper citation formatting and source documentation.


Craft a sample MLA works cited entry for a book titled 'The Art of Writing' by author Jane Smith, published in 2018.

Draft generated by Justdone:

Smith, Jane. The Art of Writing. Publisher, 2018.

In-text citation: (Smith 45)

The Art of Writing serves as a valuable resource for writers seeking to enhance their craft. By Jane Smith, this insightful work delves into the intricacies of effective storytelling and compelling prose. With its publication in 2018, the book provides contemporary perspectives on the art of writing, making it a relevant addition to scholarly discussions. The MLA works cited entry for this book accurately captures the essential details required for proper source documentation, ensuring that the author receives due credit while enabling readers to locate the source with ease.

Crafting the in-text citation in the specified format further reinforces the adherence to MLA guidelines, enhancing the overall credibility and academic integrity of the research paper.

Frequently Asked Questions

An MLA works cited page is a list of sources used in a research paper or project formatted according to Modern Language Association guidelines. provides AI tools to create accurate MLA works cited pages quickly and efficiently.
To format an MLA works cited page, list sources alphabetically by the author's last name. Use hanging indents and include all necessary details, such as author, title, publication date, and URL. offers AI tools to assist in formatting your MLA works cited page correctly.
An MLA works cited entry should include the author's name, title of the source, title of the container, other contributors, version, number, publisher, publication date, location, and URL.'s AI tools can help you accurately include all necessary details in your MLA works cited entries. offers AI tools that can automatically generate MLA works cited entries for various sources, including books, websites, and articles. Our advanced AI models ensure accurate formatting and inclusion of all essential details in your MLA works cited page.
Yes,'s AI tools can effectively cite online sources in MLA works cited pages. Whether it's a website, online article, or digital publication, our AI models are equipped to accurately format and include online sources in your MLA works cited page.
Absolutely! offers AI tools and guidance to cite various sources, including interviews, social media posts, and other unconventional references in MLA works cited pages. Our AI technology ensures accurate and consistent citation for all types of sources.

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