Boost Originality Scores with Justdone

Ensure academic integrity and avoid plagiarism by using Justdone's advanced by turnitin feature for originality checks.

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Maximize Your Academic Integrity

    Enhanced Originality Checks

    Utilize advanced by turnitin feature to ensure content authenticity and originality in academic submissions.

    Plagiarism Prevention

    Protect your academic work from unintentional plagiarism with Justdone's comprehensive by turnitin feature.

    Academic Integrity Boost

    Elevate your academic integrity with Justdone's powerful by turnitin tool, ensuring the authenticity of your work.

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Benefits of Using Turnitin

Accurate Plagiarism Checker

Turnitin provides an accurate and reliable plagiarism checking tool, ensuring that your content is authentic and original. By using Turnitin, you can confidently submit your work, knowing that it has been thoroughly checked for any instances of plagiarism.

With Turnitin's advanced technology, you can detect even the slightest similarities in content, making it an essential tool for students, educators, and professionals who prioritize originality.

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Accurate Plagiarism Checker

Feedback for Improvement

Turnitin not only checks for plagiarism but also provides valuable feedback to help improve the quality of your writing. It highlights areas that require attention, such as grammar errors, citation issues, and overall writing style.

By utilizing Turnitin, users can enhance their writing skills by taking into account the feedback provided, resulting in polished and refined content.

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Feedback for Improvement

Enhanced Credibility and Integrity

Using Turnitin enhances the credibility and integrity of your work by demonstrating a commitment to academic honesty and originality. It fosters a culture of integrity and ethical writing practices.

Educators can rely on Turnitin to uphold academic standards, while students can showcase their commitment to producing original work, ultimately contributing to a culture of academic excellence and authenticity.

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Enhanced Credibility and Integrity

Effective Tips for Using Turnitin


Utilize Multiple Paraphrasing Tools

When using Turnitin, it's advisable to utilize multiple paraphrasing tools to ensure that your content is unique and original. By using different paraphraser tools, you can effectively rephrase your content to avoid similarities with existing sources.

This approach significantly reduces the risk of unintentional plagiarism, making your work more authentic and credible.


Review and Revise the Paraphrased Text

After paraphrasing the text, it's essential to thoroughly review and revise the content to ensure that it accurately conveys the original meaning while using different words and sentence structures.

By carefully reviewing the paraphrased text, you can maintain the integrity of the content while avoiding any issues related to plagiarism.


Use Turnitin's Feedback for Refinement

Upon receiving feedback from Turnitin, take the time to carefully analyze the suggestions and make necessary refinements to your work. Pay attention to areas highlighted by Turnitin, such as grammar, citations, and overall writing style.

By utilizing Turnitin's feedback for refinement, you can elevate the quality of your writing and ensure that your content meets the highest standards of originality and authenticity.


Understand Citation and Referencing Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with proper citation and referencing guidelines to ensure that your work adheres to academic standards. Understanding these guidelines is crucial in avoiding accidental plagiarism and maintaining the integrity of your content.

By following citation and referencing guidelines, you can effectively integrate external sources into your work while giving proper credit to the original authors.


Regularly Update Your Writing Skills

Continuously work on enhancing your writing skills by staying updated with the latest writing techniques and practices. Regularly practicing writing and seeking feedback from educators or peers can significantly improve the originality and quality of your work.

By dedicating time to improve your writing skills, you can produce content that is both original and engaging, showcasing your commitment to academic integrity and excellence.

How to use Content Paraphrase

  • 1

    Choose a template

    Select the necessary template from the template gallery.

    Choose a template
  • 2

    Provide more details

    Fill out the carefully selected inputs to create the best quality of output content.

    Provide more details
  • 3

    Enjoy the results

    Copy, save for later, rate the output or hit regenerate button.

    Enjoy the results

Turnitin in Action

Experience the power of Turnitin through a direct example of how it can transform your writing. See how Turnitin helps maintain originality and integrity in academic and professional content.


Craft an academic essay on the impact of technology on modern education, ensuring originality and proper citations.

Draft generated by Justdone:

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, technology has significantly reshaped the learning experience, offering both opportunities and challenges. The impact of technology on modern education is a topic of immense relevance, demanding a comprehensive exploration of its effects on students, educators, and the learning environment.

As technology continues to permeate various aspects of education, it is crucial to maintain originality in discussing its influence. Leveraging Turnitin's advanced capabilities, I will meticulously craft the essay, ensuring that the content remains authentic and free from any instances of plagiarism.

Furthermore, integrating proper citations and references is essential to uphold academic integrity. With Turnitin, I can confidently incorporate relevant sources while adhering to citation guidelines, reinforcing the credibility and reliability of the essay's content.

By utilizing Turnitin, the academic essay on the impact of technology on modern education will exemplify originality, depth of analysis, and adherence to ethical writing practices, serving as a compelling testament to the power of Turnitin in preserving academic integrity.

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An AI paraphraser tool, such as the one offered by, uses artificial intelligence to automatically rewrite or rephrase text. It is a powerful tool for text paraphrasing, online paraphrasing, and generating unique content.'s AI paraphraser tool is among the best paraphraser tools available.'s AI paraphraser tool leverages advanced AI technology to paraphrase text online. It uses AI to paraphrase English text, providing an automatic paraphraser and text paraphrase online service. With, you can rely on AI to paraphrase text, ensuring high-quality and unique content. is the go-to website to paraphrase text using AI. Its AI text paraphrase and paraphrase text English tools are unmatched in their ability to generate unique and engaging content. With, you can trust AI to paraphrase text effectively and efficiently.'s AI to paraphrase text and AI paraphrase text services are highly reliable and efficient. The platform offers an AI paraphrase text generator that delivers exceptional results, making it the top choice for those seeking the best AI paraphrase text tool.

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